
CompTIA’s career explorer site strives to provide the most comprehensive and robust snapshot of career profiling and employment trending. The site incorporates data from authoritative sources including Lightcast, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and CompTIA.

The CompTIA research team is responsible for data categorizations, data calculations, data presentation and related. CompTIA uses a hybrid taxonomy approach in categorizing job families and job roles.

Data on the site generally covers a time period spanning the last 12 months, except in situations where only annual data is available. At time of publication data on the site spans the 2023-2024 time period.

Data refreshes typically follow a quarterly of semi-annual update cycle. As with any data source there will be a lag in reporting. Data on the site should not be viewed as a real-time representation of the market.

Data reporting is subject to the availability and accuracy of underlying data sources. Certain smaller states or metro areas may experience more ‘data not available’ situations due to insufficient data counts or other limitations.

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